You Are What You Consume

I had been binge-watching videos on YouTube. In this post, I will be sharing some of the insights from a couple of videos.


  1. The Secret to Looking Young

  2. Happiness Isn't Our Default Mode

  3. Media Diet

1. The Secret to Looking Young

I have always been on the lookout for the fountain of youth! I thought I won the golden ticket when this video popped up in my recommended list. TL;DR: stay healthy, stressed free and going on a keto diet may be the secret to looking young!

Other than that, here are some of the lessons that I learnt from this video:

  1. It is ok to eat egg yolks in moderation. Egg yolks contain Vitamin A.

  2. When you are stressed, your body will crave glucose. Do you realise that you tend to eat carbs or sugary items when you feel stressed?

  3. Stressed can cause stress on your skin too!

  4. Excessive amounts of sugar, or glucose, in the body can inhibit the absorption of Vitamin C. Vitamin C promotes collagen production. Not only that, Vitamin C is an antioxidant, meaning it protects skin cells from damaging free radicals caused by UV exposure.

  5. A healthy liver gives you a youthful look.

I highly recommend that you watch his videos to find out about the benefits of a keto or low carb diet. At the same time, please practice a healthy diet. If you have any health issues, go and seek professional advice before going on any diet! Your health is important!


2. Happiness Isn't Our Default Mode

A few years ago, I embarked on “A Happiness Project”. By the second week, the chase makes no sense to me. I didn’t feel happy. As I reflected upon the short journey, I was after the peace of mind. Staying peaceful is the default mode that I want to be.

Happiness is a feeling that comes and go. It is not a default mood. Happiness is conditional on factors. For example, you are happy that you scored full marks for your exam. You feel happy when your friends throw you a surprise birthday! Peace is more of an inner state. You are just observing and living life in the present.

We are human. We can feel a range of emotions. Each of us has a unique baseline, eg. contentment, fulfilment, or like me - peace! Figure out what is your preferred default mode and learn to achieve it.

3. Media Diet

I came across the term "Media Diet" recently. It reminded me of the phrase - you are what you consume! It makes perfect sense. Everything that you consume has an impact on your mind and body.

Do you remember in early 2020, every new agency was publishing about how bad the pandemic had hit the world. For most, if not all, days, there was nothing positive. Two months into the pandemic, all the news were causing me to feel anxious and stressed. I didn’t like how I was feeling. Since then, I do not make an effort to catch up on the news. I feel so much better! 

I believe that we are what we consume. Catch up on content that brings you value. Be it laughter or knowledge. Do not consume content that has no value or worse still makes you feel bad. Move on to a better one that’s worth your time.

x, Esther